Hiring Mobile App Developers: How to Source, Assess, & Onboard

Out of the vast pool of 10,000 mobile applications, a mere 0.5% successfully navigate the competitive market and generate sustainable revenue. A staggering 9,999 applications fail to endure for various reasons due to the challenge of user retention.

This emphasizes the paramount importance of retaining users. One prudent strategy for this is hiring mobile app developers from a renowned tech company.

In this article, we will share a detailed hiring process from sourcing to onboarding. By diligently executing each step, you can harness the potential of your app development, significantly bolster your downloads, and expand your user base.

How to Source Mobile App Developers for Your Company?

By sourcing skilled mobile app developers, you can ensure efficient project execution, timely delivery, and a competitive edge in the dynamic app development market. It involves several steps to ensure you find qualified, skilled professionals to meet your specific requirements.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to source mobile app developers:

Determine Your Project Requirements

Before you start sourcing developers, clarify your project’s goals, scope, and technical requirements. Identify the platforms (iOS, Android, or both) and specific technologies or frameworks you prefer before hiring mobile app developers.

Choose the Sourcing Method

  • In-house hiring: If you have the resources and infrastructure, hiring mobile app developers as full-time employees can provide you with more control and long-term commitment.
  • Freelancers: Hiring freelancers offers flexibility and is cost-effective for short-term projects. So, if your mobile application is simple, you can hire a freelancer.
  • Development agencies: Agencies provide a team of developers and project managers who handle the entire app development process.
  • Offshore outsourcing: Consider outsourcing and hiring through one of the mobile app development companies with a strong talent pool. This option requires careful evaluation of communication and project management aspects.

Define Developer Qualifications

Determine the skills and experience you require for your mobile application development. Consider factors like programming languages (Java, Swift, Kotlin, etc.), frameworks (React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, etc.), UI/UX design, database management, and any specific industry experience to build an app that stands on your expectations.

Explore Online Platforms And Communities

Several online platforms can help you hire mobile app developer company or individual to build a world-class app. Examples include:

  • LinkedIn: Search for professionals with relevant skills, check their profiles, and reach out directly.
  • Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal: These platforms allow you to post job descriptions and review developer profiles.
  • GitHub and Stack Overflow: Explore these developer communities to find experienced individuals.

Attend Tech Conferences And Events

Participating in industry-specific events like conferences, workshops, and hackathons can help you meet talented developers and network with potential candidates. You can collect resumes from there, shortlist them on the basis of your requirements, and hire top mobile app developers.

Use Recruitment Agencies

Consider partnering with recruitment agencies specializing in IT and mobile app development. They can help you find qualified candidates and streamline the hiring process since they are experts in recruiting talent and have an eye for detail.

Inquire Your References

Reach out to your clients, colleagues, and friends and inquire if they have a reliable and competent candidate for mobile app development. Or, you can also prioritize hiring mobile app developers you shortlisted earlier. This will save you time and resources.

How to Assess Mobile App Developers for Your Company?

How to Assess Mobile App Developers for Your Company

Assessing mobile app developers helps understand whether a candidate possesses the technical skills, experience, and problem-solving abilities to execute your app development projects successfully. Through thorough assessment, you can identify qualified developers to deliver high-quality mobile apps, adhere to coding best practices, and contribute to efficient project management.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to assess candidates for onsite and remote hiring of mobile app developers.

Review their Portfolio

Start by evaluating the candidates’ portfolios or previous work samples. Look for apps they have developed, paying attention to design aesthetics, user experience, functionality, and performance. Assess whether their previous projects align with your expectations and industry standards.

Technical Expertise

Evaluate the developer’s technical skills and knowledge. Consider the following aspects:

  • Programming languages: Determine if they are proficient in the required languages, such as Java, Swift, Kotlin, or JavaScript.
  • Frameworks: Assess their experience with relevant frameworks like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, or native development.
  • Platform-specific knowledge: Determine their familiarity with iOS or Android development guidelines, APIs, and platform-specific features.
  • Database management: Evaluate their understanding of database technologies like SQL or NoSQL.
  • Testing and debugging: Assess their knowledge of testing methodologies and tools to ensure app quality.

Problem-solving skills

Mobile app developers often encounter challenges during the development process. Assess their problem-solving abilities by discussing real-life scenarios or presenting coding challenges. Evaluate how they approach problems, their logical thinking, and their ability to find efficient solutions.

Communication and Teamwork

Assess the candidate’s communication skills, both written and verbal, to ensure they can articulate ideas, ask relevant questions, and provide updates. Additionally, consider their ability to work well in a team, as they will likely collaborate with designers, project managers, and other developers.

Industry Experience

Depending on your app’s niche or target audience, consider candidates with relevant industry experience. For example, previous experience in healthcare-related projects can be advantageous if you’re building a healthcare app. Industry knowledge can provide insights into user requirements, compliance regulations, and best practices.

Coding Tests and Assignments

To assess a developer’s coding skills, consider conducting coding tests or assignments. These can be in-person or remote, and they help evaluate the candidate’s ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. Assignments can range from small programming tasks to building a specific feature of your app.

References and Testimonials

Request references from previous clients of the candidate you are considering hiring mobile app developers. Reach out to these references to gather insights into the developer’s work ethic, reliability, and professionalism. Additionally, consider checking online platforms for testimonials or reviews from their previous clients.

Cultural Fit

Cultural fit contributes to a positive work environment and smooth collaboration. Evaluate how well the developer will fit within your company culture. Assess their ability to work collaboratively, adapt to your team dynamics, and align with your company values.

How to Onboard Mobile App Developers for Your Company?

Well-executed onboarding of mobile app developers promotes employee satisfaction, reduces turnover rates, and enables long-term retention of talented professionals. It results in improved team performance and the ability to deliver high-quality mobile applications. Here’s a detailed guide on how to onboard after hiring mobile app developers:

Pre-Boarding Preparation

Before the developer’s start date, make sure you have everything ready to facilitate a seamless onboarding process. Prepare the following:
Equipment and tools: Provide the necessary hardware, software, and development tools required for their work. This includes laptops, smartphones, IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), version control systems, and project management tools.

  • Accounts and access: Set up their accounts and access permissions for relevant systems, including code repositories, project management tools, communication platforms, and other tools used in your company.
  • Documentation and resources: Gather and organize important documentation, such as company policies, coding guidelines, style guides, and any other relevant resources or references. This helps familiarize the developer with your company’s practices and standards.
  • Onboarding schedule: Plan the onboarding schedule, including an overview of the first few days or weeks, training sessions, meetings with team members, and any other activities that will help the developer get up to speed.

Introduction to Your Team

Introduce the new developer to their team members. Arrange meetings or video calls to help them get to know their colleagues, understand their roles, and foster a sense of belonging. Encourage team members to provide a warm welcome and offer support during the onboarding process.

Company Culture and Values

Share information about your company’s culture, mission, and values. This helps the developer understand your organization’s overall goals and working principles. Provide relevant documentation or resources that articulate your company culture.

Project Overview and Goals

Provide a comprehensive overview of the project the developer will be working on. Explain the project’s goals, target audience, features, and milestones. Share any existing documentation, wireframes, or design mockups that provide context and help the developer understand the project’s vision.

Onboarding Mentor or Buddy

Assign an experienced team member as an onboarding mentor or buddy when you hire mobile app developers. This person can guide the new developer, answer questions, provide technical assistance, and offer insights into your company’s processes and workflows. The mentor can help the developer navigate through the initial challenges and build a strong foundation within the team.

Training And Knowledge Transfer

Offer training sessions or workshops to familiarize the developer with your company’s development processes, coding standards, and best practices. Provide access to internal resources, tutorials, and documentation that can help them understand your codebase and development environment. If applicable, facilitate knowledge transfer sessions with other team members who have worked on the project.

Project-Specific Guidance

Arrange meetings or discussions to provide specific guidance related to the project your app developer will be working on. Explain the architecture, codebase structure, existing components, and any other relevant details. Clarify their responsibilities, tasks, and expectations to understand their role within the project clearly.

Communication and Collaboration

Establish clear communication channels and encourage the developer to actively participate in team discussions, stand-up meetings, and other collaboration activities. Introduce them to communication platforms your team uses, like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or project management tools, to foster effective communication and collaboration.

Feedback and Performance Expectations

Set clear performance expectations and provide regular feedback to your app developer. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss their progress, address any challenges they may be facing, and provide constructive feedback to support their growth and development within your company.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

Encourage continuous learning and professional development by providing opportunities for training, attending conferences or webinars, and exploring new technologies or frameworks. Support the developer’s growth within your company and help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in mobile app development.

Satisfy 95% of Your Mobile App Downloaders with VinnCorp

Are you considering hiring mobile app developers that promise to satisfy 95% of your targeted audience and transition them into recurrent customers? VinnCorp is the right choice to achieve your goals.

We are a remote talent company with a proven track record of contributing to our client’s success. The expertise of our developers spans from Flutter to React Native building apps. From Native mobile app development to Hybrid mobile app development, we have built cutting-edge mobile applications for different industry verticals.

Take a look at our amazing previous work and share with us your ideas to build an appealing app accordingly.

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