How To Find Entry Level Java Developer and Hire Them

Despite their limited expertise, entry-level Java developers consist of a remarkable enthusiasm for learning, exploration, and delivering results. This attribute positions them as perfect candidates for your upcoming project.

“How to find an entry-level Java developer?” but if your question is this, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll equip you with hands-on knowledge of the differences between entry-level and expert Java developers.

For the heads up, Java developer salary ranges are vast. An entry-level Java developer’s salary is between $71,000 to $84,000 compared to an expert earning $148,000 annually. That said, hiring entry-level developers also helps you save a good chunk.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Difference Between an Entry-Level and Expert Java Developer

An entry level Java developer is at the beginning of their career, building foundational skills and gaining practical experience. While an expert Java developer has a wealth of experience and advanced skills and takes on more complex and strategic responsibilities within projects. Here’s a brief overview of the key differences between the two:

Entry-Level Java Developer

  • Experience: Limited professional experience, often just out of college or with minimal work experience.
  • Skills: Possesses foundational knowledge of Java programming, a basic understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP), and familiarity with core Java libraries.
  • Responsibilities: Primarily tasked with implementing simple functionalities, bug fixes, and minor enhancements under the supervision of senior developers.
  • Learning Focus: Emphasis on learning and building practical experience, often seeking guidance from experienced colleagues.
    Supervision: Requires guidance and mentorship to grow their technical skills, learn best practices, and become familiar with industry standards.
  • Code Review: Code is likely to undergo more frequent reviews and may need adjustments to align with best practices.

Expert Java Developer

  • Experience: Extensive professional experience, often with several years in the industry and a proven track record of successful projects.
  • Skills: Possesses in-depth knowledge of Java, advanced understanding of OOP principles, mastery of Java frameworks, and expertise in designing complex systems.
  • Responsibilities: Leads and drives major components of projects, making high-level technical decisions and guiding junior developers.
  • Learning Focus: Focuses on refining existing skills, staying up-to-date with industry trends, and possibly branching into specialized areas of Java development.
  • Code Review: Code is generally well-structured, adheres to best practices, and requires minimal review adjustments.

How To Find Entry Level Java Developer for Your Project

Defining Your Project Needs

Create a clear and accurate outline to hire entry Java developers. This will help you attract candidates suited to your project and streamline the hiring process by focusing on the qualifications that matter most. Here’s a detailed guide on how to define your project needs effectively:

Project Scope

  • Clearly define the goals and objectives of your project.
  • Identify the key functionalities and features that your Java developer will work on.
  • Determine the expected project timeline and potential deadlines.

Identify Required Skills

  • List the technical skills necessary for the project. For a Java developer, this might include proficiency in Java programming, Java frameworks (Spring, Hibernate), and relevant databases (SQL or NoSQL).
  • Consider specific technologies or tools your project will utilize (e.g., REST APIs, version control systems, testing frameworks).

Future Development Plans

  • Consider the scalability and future development of your project. Will the Java developer be required to contribute to ongoing enhancements or new features?
  • Determine if the developer’s role might evolve over time.

Remote or On-Site Work

  • Decide whether your Java developer can work remotely or if they need to be on-site.
  • Communicate effectively and manage tasks in a remote work setting, if applicable.

Consult with Technical Team Members

  • If you have technical team members or advisors, consult with them to ensure you’re not overlooking any critical skills or requirements.

Crafting an Attractive Job Description

  • A well-written job description clearly communicates the responsibilities, expectations, and benefits. It attracts the right candidates for your Java developer position. Below are the elements that make a job description ideal for Java development projects.

Clear and Engaging Title

  • Choose a title that accurately reflects the role and responsibilities while being appealing. For example, “Junior Java Developer: Join Our Innovative Software Team.”

Overview of Your Company

  • Briefly introduce your company, highlighting its mission, values, and notable achievements. This helps candidates understand the context and culture they’d be entering.

Job Summary

  • Write a concise paragraph that outlines the purpose of the role. Mention the primary responsibilities and how the developer’s work will contribute to the success of your project or company.


  • List specific tasks and duties your entry Java developer will be responsible for. Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Start each bullet point with action verbs (e.g., “Develop and maintain Java applications…”).
  • Focus on both technical and collaborative responsibilities to give a comprehensive view of the role.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • Separate your requirements into “Required” and “Preferred” sections.
  • Required qualifications include relevant educational background (e.g., a degree in Computer Science), proficiency in Java programming, familiarity with specific frameworks or tools, and any necessary technical skills.
  • Preferred qualifications include additional skills, certifications, or experience that would be advantageous but not essential.

Benefits and Perks

  • Outline the benefits and perks that come with the role. Such as health insurance, flexible work arrangements, remote work options, competitive salary, bonuses, and any unique offerings your company provides.

Application Instructions

  • Clearly state how candidates should apply. This might include submitting a resume, cover letter, code samples, and any other relevant documents.
  • Provide specific contact information or a link to your application portal.

Call to Action

  • Encourage interested candidates to apply by expressing enthusiasm about the potential of having them on the team.

Choosing the Right Job Platforms

Choosing the right job platform requires thorough research and consideration of your target audience, your project’s needs, and your budget. Here are the detailed steps to help you make the right choice:

Research Popular Job Platforms

  • Make a list of well-known Java developer freelancers’ marketplace.
  • Research which platforms are widely used by Java developers and have a strong tech-oriented audience.

Consider Niche Job Boards

  • Explore specialized tech job boards that focus on software development roles.
  • These niche boards attract candidates with specific technical skills, increasing your chances of finding qualified entry level Java developers.

Consider Remote Job Platforms

  • If your project allows for remote work, explore job platforms that specialize in remote job listings.
  • This can help you tap into a global talent pool of Java developers.

Seek Recommendations

  • Ask colleagues, fellow developers, or industry contacts for recommendations on job platforms that have worked well for them.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

  • Look for reviews or testimonials from employers who have successfully hired Java developers on different platforms.
  • Pay attention to their experiences and the quality of candidates they found.

Post a Test Listing

  • Consider posting a test job listing on a few different platforms to see which ones yield the best response.
  • Analyze the quality of applications received and the relevance of the candidate’s skills.

Track Results

  • Keep track of how many applications you receive from each platform.
  • Monitor the percentage of qualified candidates to assess the effectiveness of each platform.

Leveraging Social Media and Networks

Social media and networks require consistent effort and engagement. However, they are a powerful way to find qualified Java developers for your project. It helps you showcase your company’s strengths while facilitating hiring entry Java developers. Here’s the complete brief of perfectly using social media to find Java developers.

Identify Relevant Platforms

  • Focus on popular platforms among tech professionals and Java developers. This includes LinkedIn, Twitter, and even platforms like GitHub.

Optimize Your Profiles

  • Ensure your company’s social media profiles are up-to-date and portray a positive image of your organization.
  • Highlight your company’s projects, work culture, and recent achievements.

Create Engaging Content

  • Share informative and engaging content related to Java development, technology trends, and programming tips.
  • Demonstrate your company’s expertise in the field and its commitment to staying up-to-date with industry changes.

Connect with Relevant People

  • Connect with entry Java developers, software engineers, and tech enthusiasts on LinkedIn.
  • Engage in conversations, comment on their posts, and show genuine interest in their work.

Share Job Openings

Post your job openings on your company’s social media profiles. Provide a brief overview of the role and the skills you’re looking for.
Encourage your team members to share the job posts as well, amplifying the reach.

Internship and Educational Programs

Internships and entry-level programs are a win-win situation. It allows candidates to gain valuable experience and skills. While your company access fresh talent and the opportunity to shape and mold promising Java developers into productive team members. Here’s how you can discover and develop promising Java entry level developers:

Skill Development and Training

  • Internship and entry-level programs provide hands-on training to candidates who may have basic Java skills but lack real-world experience.
  • You can teach them best practices, coding standards, and how to work with relevant tools and frameworks.

Identifying Talent

  • Through these programs, you get to see candidates in action, assess their problem-solving skills, and gauge their ability to adapt to your team’s dynamics.

Building a Talent Pipeline

  • These programs build a talent pipeline for your company.
  • Some interns may eventually become full-time employees, reducing the time and effort required for external hiring.

Increased Diversity and Inclusion

  • Internship programs help you tap into a diverse pool of talent, contributing to a more inclusive and varied workforce.

Building Your Company’s Reputation

  • Offering internship and entry-level programs demonstrates your commitment to nurturing talent and contributing positively to the developer community. This can enhance your company’s reputation.

Networking Events and Meetups

Attending tech-related networking events and meetups offers immense value when finding entry level Java developers. These events provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, showcase your projects, and discover potential candidates for your project. Here’s why they are valuable and how you can effectively find Java developers at such events:

Attend Talks and Workshops

  • Participate in talks and workshops related to Java development. This will put you in touch with Java developers who share your interests.

Host Your Own Events

  • Consider hosting your own tech-related event or workshop. This attracts developers who are interested in your topic of expertise.

Use Social Media

  • Before and after the event, use social media platforms to connect with attendees, share insights, and follow up with potential candidates.

Be Approachable

  • Be approachable and open to conversations. Create a positive impression encouraging entry level Java developers to contact you.

Follow Up

  • After the event, connect with the Java developers you met on professional platforms like LinkedIn. Send personalized messages expressing your interest in their work.

Reviewing Portfolios and GitHub Repositories

The goal of Java developer portfolio and code analysis is to evaluate not only the technical skills. It also gives you a sound understanding of their ability to write clean, maintainable, and well-structured code. Here are some key insights and factors to consider when reviewing code samples and projects:

Clean and Readable Code

  • Look for well-organized and easily readable code. Clean code demonstrates the Java developer’s ability to write maintainable and efficient programs.

Consistent Coding Style

  • Consistency in coding style (indentation, naming conventions, etc.) indicates attention to detail and professionalism.

Effective Use of Data Structures

  • Check whether the Java developer has chosen appropriate data structures (arrays, lists, maps, etc.) for the task and used them effectively.

Modularization and Encapsulation

  • Assess if the code is modular and encapsulated, meaning that different components are well-separated and are easily maintained and extended.

Error Handling and Exception Management

  • Look for proper error handling and exception management in the code. This indicates a thorough approach to handling unforeseen issues.


  • Check if the entry level Java developer has included unit tests or test cases to ensure the functionality and reliability of their code.

Conducting Effective Interviews

Interviews give you a comprehensive understanding of a Java developer’s capabilities, skills, and compatibility with your team and project. Remember to create a comfortable environment that encourages open conversation and showcases the candidate’s strengths. Here’s are the best practices for conducting technical and behavioral interviews:

Technical Interview

  • Assessing Java Proficiency: Evaluate the candidate’s understanding of core Java concepts, including object-oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism, and data structures.
  • Frameworks and Tools: Ask about the candidate’s experience with Java development frameworks and tools (e.g., Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Gradle), version control systems (e.g., Git), and other relevant technologies.
  • Code Review: Review code samples or projects the candidate has worked on. Assess the quality of their code.

Behavioral Interview

  • STAR Method: Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure questions that elicit specific examples of the candidate’s behavior in previous situations.
  • Adaptability and Learning: Inquire about times when the candidate faced a new challenge or technology and how they adapted to learn and overcome it.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Pose questions about complex problems the candidate encountered, the steps they took to solve them, and the outcomes they achieved.
  • Communication Skills: Assess how well the candidate communicates technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and team members.

Hiring and Onboarding

After conducting interviews and selecting an entry level Java developer for your team, the next steps involve finalizing the hiring process and smoothly transitioning the developer into their role. Here’s the guide for hiring and onboarding a Java developer:

Confirm Acceptance

  • Wait for the candidate to confirm their acceptance of the job offer. Address any questions or concerns they might have.

Send Welcome Documentation

  • Provide the new hire with essential documents such as employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, tax forms, and other legal paperwork.

Introduction to the Team

  • Arrange an introductory meeting or welcome lunch where the new developer can meet their team members and get acquainted with their colleagues.

Orientation and Training

  • Conduct an orientation session that covers your company’s culture, values, mission, and policies. Provide training sessions on specific technologies, frameworks, tools, or processes the Java developer will be working with.

Set Goals and Expectations

  • Communicate the Java developer’s roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Set short-term and long-term goals to guide their progress.

Provide Feedback

  • Give constructive feedback on the Java developer’s work to help them improve and excel in their role.

Hire Entry Java Developer through VinnCorp

Seeking to hire Java developers but still want to opt for the best candidate? VinnCorp has got you covered.

We are a remote talent company offering Java developer contract services and helping you build teams within 24 hours. Filtering through the resume, we conduct a detailed behavioral and technical interview. Once they clear the interview, we test their expertise before hiring them.

Share your details with us, and we’ll provide the best candidate that fits your requirements.

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