How To Hire a Front End Developer For a Short Contract

A survey conducted in 3,703 countries states that 23.7% of companies have 10 to 50 front-end developers. While this emphasizes the significance of hiring front-end developers, it also suggests the opportunity to hire front-end developers for a contract.

If you are searching for “how to hire a front-end developer for a short contract,” you are in the right place. In this article, we’ll share the step-by-step process of hiring one. So, you can onboard an experienced front-end developer for a dedicated project.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Define Your Project Requirements

Before you hire front-end developers for a short contract, have a crystal-clear vision of your project’s requirements. This initial step lays the groundwork for a successful collaboration. It also ensures that you and the developer are on the same page. Here’s how to go about it:

Scope and Objectives

  • Project Goals: Articulate your project’s primary goals and objectives. What do you aim to achieve by the end of this short-term engagement?
  • Project Scope: Define the boundaries of your project. What features, functionalities, or deliverables are within the scope of this contract?
  • Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for your project. How long do you expect the developer to work on your project, and what are the key milestones?

Front-End Development Specifics

  • Technologies: Clearly specify the front-end technologies and frameworks you want the developer to work with. Are you using React, Angular, or Vue.js? Do you have any particular preferences?
  • Design Requirements: If your project involves design work, outline the design expectations, including user interfaces, layouts, and responsiveness.
  • Integration Needs: Are there any integrations with third-party services or APIs that the developer needs to consider? Provide details on these integrations.

Deliverables and Expectations

  • List of Deliverables: Compile a list of specific deliverables you expect from the front-end developer for hire. This could include wireframes, mockups, responsive designs, or code components.
  • Quality Standards: Define the quality standards and coding conventions the developer should adhere to. Clarity on coding practices helps maintain consistency.

Budget and Resources

  • Budget Constraints: Be upfront about your budget for this short-term project. Understanding your financial limits will help in the selection process.
  • Resources: Identify resources or assets (e.g., design files, branding guidelines) that you will provide to the developer.

Choose the Right Hiring Platform

Selecting the appropriate platform helps you find the right front-end developer for your short contract. Different platforms offer distinct advantages and cater to various types of candidates.

How to Choose the Platform

To determine the best hiring platform for your specific needs, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Some platforms have associated costs, like job posting fees or subscription plans. Evaluate these expenses against your budget.
  • Candidate Quality: Review the platform’s user base and the quality of candidates it attracts. Look for platforms that align with your project’s technical requirements.
  • Ease of Use: Consider the user-friendliness of the platform. This includes how easy it is to post jobs, review profiles, and communicate with candidates.
  • Reputation: Research the platform’s reputation and track record for successfully hiring front-end developers.

Some Top Hiring Platforms

Job Boards and Websites

  • General Job Boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor allow you to post job listings for various positions, including front-end developers for hire. They provide a broad reach and attract diverse talent.
  • Niche Job Boards: Consider specialized job boards dedicated to tech and web development roles. This includes Stack Overflow Jobs, GitHub Jobs, and Smashing Magazine’s job board.

Freelancing Websites

  • Upwork: Upwork is a well-known platform for freelancers, including front-end developers for hire. You can review profiles, portfolios, and client feedback to gauge a developer’s suitability.
  • Freelancer: Similar to Upwork, Freelancer lets you post projects and receive bids from freelancers. It’s a great option if you’re looking for short-term contracts.

Networking and Referrals

  • Personal Network: Leverage your professional network to inquire about available front-end developers or seek referrals. Personal recommendations lead to talented individuals who might not be actively seeking jobs.

Technical Communities

  • GitHub: Explore GitHub profiles and repositories to identify developers who have contributed to projects relevant to your needs. Reach out to them directly through GitHub or via email.

Coding Challenges and Competitions

Coding Platforms: Consider platforms like HackerRank or LeetCode, which host coding challenges and competitions. Engaging with candidates through coding assessments can help you identify their technical skills.

Recruitment Agencies

  • Tech-Specific Agencies: Recruitment agencies like VinnCorp specialize in tech roles. They help you find and hire front-end developers based on your project requirements.

Online Communities

  • Tech Forums and Communities: Participate in online communities like Reddit’s r/webdev or tech-related forums. You can often find developers discussing their availability and skills.

Conduct Interviews

The interview phase is a critical step in the process of hiring a front-end developer for your short contract. It allows you to assess the candidate’s technical skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit with your team. Here’s how to conduct effective interviews:

Initial Screening

  • Phone or Video Interviews: Conduct a preliminary phone or video interview to screen candidates based on their resume, qualifications, and general suitability for the role.
  • Review of Qualifications: Discuss the candidate’s qualifications, previous experience, and relevant projects. Ask about their availability and interest in your short-term contracts.
  • Technical Skills Assessment: Conduct a high-level assessment of their technical skills to ensure they meet the basic requirements for the position.

In-Depth Interviews

  • Technical Proficiency: Dive deeper into the candidate’s technical skills. Ask specific questions related to front-end development technologies, frameworks, and tools they will use in your project.
  • Problem-Solving: Present real-world scenarios or coding challenges and ask the candidate how they would approach and solve them. This assesses their problem-solving abilities.
  • Portfolio Review: Go through the candidate’s portfolio, if available. Ask them to explain their role in previous projects, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them.
  • Coding Exercise: Conduct a live coding exercise or technical test. This can be done via screen sharing in a video call or using online coding platforms. Evaluate their coding skills, efficiency, and code quality.

Soft Skills Assessment

  • Communication Skills: Assess the candidate’s communication skills. Effective communication is crucial for collaboration and understanding project requirements.
  • Teamwork: Inquire about their experience working in teams and how they handle conflicts or challenges within a project.
  • Adaptability: Discuss their ability to adapt to different project requirements and technologies, especially in the context of short-term contracts.

Cultural Fit and Motivation

  • Company Culture: Ask questions to gauge whether your front-end developer for hire values align with your company culture. Emphasize the importance of cultural fit, even in short-term roles.
  • Motivation: Understand the candidate’s motivation for taking on a short-term contract. Assess whether they are genuinely interested in your project and its objectives.

Questions from the Candidate

  • Encourage Questions: Give the candidate an opportunity to ask questions about your project, team, and company. Their questions can provide insights into their level of interest and engagement.

Evaluation and Feedback

  • Assessment Criteria: Develop clear assessment criteria in advance to evaluate each candidate consistently. Consider creating a scorecard or checklist.
  • Panel Interviews: Involve multiple team members in the interview process to gather diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Feedback Session: After each interview, hold a feedback session with the interviewers to discuss the candidate’s performance and reach a consensus on their suitability.


  • Reference Checks: Once you have a strong candidate in mind, conduct reference checks to verify their work history and performance.
  • Final Interview: Consider a final interview or meeting with the candidate to discuss contract terms, expectations, and any additional questions they may have.

Hiring and Onboarding

After the interview process, you’ve identified a promising front-end developer who aligns with your project’s requirements and goals. It’s time to bring them on board and set the stage for a productive collaboration.

Extending the Offer

  • Timely Communication: Promptly reach out to the selected candidate to extend the job offer. Clear and timely communication is key to ensuring a smooth hiring process.
  • Offer Details: Provide a detailed offer letter outlining the terms and conditions of the short contract. Specify the duration, pay rate, working hours, and other relevant information.
  • Negotiation: Be open to negotiations, within reason, to accommodate any reasonable requests or concerns the candidate may have. Ensure both parties are comfortable with the offer.

Paperwork and Documentation

  • Contract Signing: Once the candidate accepts the offer, initiate the contract signing process. Ensure that all legal and project-specific terms are clearly stated in the contract.
  • Legal Compliance: Adhere to legal and regulatory requirements, like tax documentation and employment agreements, depending on your location and the candidate’s status (e.g., freelance or temporary employee).

Onboarding Process

  • Introduction to the Team: Facilitate introductions between the front-end developer for hire and relevant team members. Provide an overview of their roles and how they will collaborate.
  • Access and Tools: Ensure the developer has access to the necessary tools, software, and systems required to perform their tasks effectively.
  • Orientation: Conduct an orientation session that covers your company’s culture, values, and policies. Explain any specific project guidelines and expectations.

Communication Channels

  • Project Communication: Establish clear communication channels for project-related discussions. Depending on your team’s preferences, utilize project management tools, messaging apps, or email.
  • Regular Updates: Encourage regular updates and status reports to keep all stakeholders informed of project progress.

Set Expectations

  • Project Goals: Reiterate the project’s goals, timelines, and deliverables. Ensure the front-end developer has a comprehensive understanding of what you expect from him.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Create a feedback loop for ongoing evaluations. Allow the developer to provide feedback on the project and their experience as well.

Project Kickoff

  • Kickoff Meeting: Schedule a project kickoff meeting where you review the project’s scope, objectives, and initial tasks. Address questions or concerns the developer may have.
  • Milestones and Deadlines: Emphasize project milestones and deadlines. Ensure that everyone is aligned on the timeline and the critical phases of the project.

Support and Collaboration

  • Mentoring and Support: If necessary, assign a mentor or team member who provides guidance and answers questions as the developer settles into their role.
  • Collaboration Tools: Familiarize the developer with collaboration tools and practices used within your team, like version control systems and communication platforms.

Monitoring Progress

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-in meetings to assess progress, discuss challenges, and adjust project strategies as needed.
  • Project Tracking: Implement project tracking and management tools to monitor your front-end developer’s tasks and overall project status.

Join Hands with VinnCorp to Hire Front-End Developers

Looking to hire a front-end developer for a short contract? VinnCorp provides you with the feasibility for it.

We are a remote talent company with Silicon Valley standard resources. From short to long, we provide front-end developers for a range of spans. We have seasoned experts who increase your user experience and satisfaction when they land on your website.

Get in touch with us to hire contract developers and build world-class software.

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