What does Agile mean in software development and why do you need it?

What is Agile development?

Agile is an incremental approach to development of software and project management, not merely a project management methodology or a set of tools and techniques. The Agile Approach teaches employees how to adapt to a dynamically changing environment while simultaneously delivering the maximum possible commercial value rapidly. The agile framework is an iterative strategy, which implies deliverables are released in tiny, consumable increments rather than the entire project at once. Teams have a natural mechanism for upgrading to change fast because they regularly evaluate requirements, strategies, and results.

Agility is the ability to build and respond to change. It’s a method of dealing with, and eventually thriving in, a complex and unpredictable environment. It enables the team to provide value to its stakeholders and consumers quickly and with fewer errors. The authors of the Agile Manifesto picked the term “Agile” to describe the overall concept since it emphasized the importance of adaptability and reactivity to change in their methodology.

Agile manifesto

In 2001, the Agile Manifesto was published, and it marked the beginning of agile as a methodology. Scrum, kanban, lean, and Extreme Programming are just a few agile frameworks that have emerged since then (XP). Each one, in its way, exemplifies the key values of frequent iteration, continuous learning, and high quality.

Following are the 4 Agile Manifestos:

  1. Over processes and tools, it’s about people and their interactions.
  2. Working software trumps thorough documentation.
  3. Collaboration with customers is preferred over negotiations of the contract.
  4. Adapt to changes in accordance with a strategy

What is Agile software development?

The term “agile software development” refers to a collection of concepts and techniques depending on the principles and ideas described in the Agile Manifesto.

Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Feature-Driven Development are examples of agile software development frameworks (FDD). Pair programming, test-driven development, daily standup meetings, planning meetings, and sprints are a few examples.

The agile process of software development is a form of development methodology that anticipates the requirement for flexibility and approaches the delivery of the final product with pragmatism. Agile’s collaborative culture promotes productivity throughout the organization by allowing teams to work together and understand their roles in the process. In contrast to traditional software development approaches, the agile framework emphasizes on the people doing the work and how they collaborate. Solutions are found through collaboration among self-organizing cross-functional teams utilizing the appropriate methodologies for their environment.

Agile software development necessitates a cultural shift in many firms because it emphasizes the clean delivery of discrete pieces or parts of software rather than the full application. Because testing is done throughout development, companies utilizing Agile software development can be confident that they produce a high-quality product. This will allow them to adjust as needed and notify teams of any potential difficulties. The Agile process of the software development community places a strong emphasis on cooperation and the self-organizing team.

Agile software development life cycle

The Agile software development life cycle is a set of steps that a product goes through from conception to completion.

The six phases of the Agile software development life cycle include:

1. Concept Phase

The first step, idea, entails identifying commercial opportunities in each proposed project and estimating the amount of effort and time required to complete it.

2. Inception Phase

The team members are identified, finance is provided, and the initial needs are addressed with the customer during the second step, inception. A sprint is a fixed time during which certain tasks must be accomplished and prepared for evaluation.

3. Iteration Phase

Iteration is the third step, in which teams begin developing working software based on requirements and ongoing input. At the end of each iteration, the goal is to provide a working prototype to launch.

4. Release Phase

Final quality assurance testing, settlement of any remaining defects, and finalizing the systems and customer documentation are all part of the fourth step, release.

5. Maintenance Phase

The fifth step, maintenance, comes after the release. The software development team will provide continuing assistance to ensure that the system functions properly and that any new bugs are identified and fixed.

6. Retirement Phase

The final stage, retirement, encompasses all end-of-life actions such as customer notification and migration. Users will be notified first by the software development team that the software is being decommissioned. Users will move to the new system if a replacement is found. This is typically done when a system requires a version to be removed and replaced or becomes obsolete, useless, or begins to go against the business strategy.

Different features might be added to the product backlog during the Agile software development life cycle. Still, the entire process should consist of repeating each stage until every item on the backlog has been satisfied. As a result, the Agile software development cycle is more of a loop rather than a linear process.

Why Use Agile framework in software development

The agile software development process, when properly implemented, allows teams to drastically enhance the quality of their software with each release. Not only that, but it also enables teams to adjust to change quickly. Teams pick agile because it allows them to adjust rapidly to market developments or client input without compromising a year’s worth of plans. With frequent increments, your team can quickly obtain input on each modification and incorporate it into future plans.

An agile team organizes around a common goal and then executes it in the most effective way possible. Each team establishes its own quality, accessibility, and completeness requirements. Company leaders discover that putting their faith in an agile team gives the team a better sense of ownership and motivates them to fulfill (or exceed) management’s objectives. Authentic human relationships are more vital than strict processes, according to the Agile Manifesto. Predefined arrangements are less crucial than collaborating with clients and teammates. It’s also more vital to give a reasonable solution to the client’s problem than it is to provide hyper-detailed documentation.


Conclusively, the Agile Framework is beneficial, and companies prefer to use it because it lowers technical debts, creates total alignment and transparency while developing mobile applications, tests and minimizes risks, ensures greater product quality, product delivery date, and performs user-focused testing. It also responds to changes quickly and readily, resulting in greater overall project control.

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